Menstrual problems

Menstrual problems may refer to the many different types of menstruation disorders,  such as delay or absence of bleeding,  painful cramping and profuse bleeding.

Normally menstrual period last from 2 to 7 days and normal and normal cycle patterns can range from 21 to 35 days. Abnormal and irregular  cycle is if periods are longer and heavier than normal,  occurs between periods,  time between  periods are longer than normal, or there is an absence  of periods. There are may causes of irregular periods but main cause is hormonal imbalance. Periods may be irregular at both ends of menstrual life of a lady. Reasons abnormal periods can be normal and abnormal. Hormone imbalance is other cause this can occur as a result of weight loss or gain heavy exercise,  stress,  illness, or certain medications.



At onset of periods some young girls experience irregularities in periods for few months to years because it is establishing itself.

Stress is also cause in some ladies

Did try problems  like anorexia,  poor diet,  bulimia

Heavy exercises

Drugs prescribed or recreational

Break in routine

Sexual activity especially when it is new occurrence

Anxiety of pregnancy

Illness or or thyroid problems

There causes are intake of sour, salty,  hot,  punjent,  heavy,  fermented food. Meat of fatty and domestic animals,  alcoholic beverages,  indigestion and eating before previous food is digested. Repeated abortions,  excessive Sexual activity,  increased physical exertion (weight lifting, riding,  walking)  trauma,  emaciation , sleeping day time. Physiological conditions like anger,  grief,  lust,  anxiety can also play a role in aggravating Menstrual problems.




Body aches

Burning in the lower portion of groin


Poor diet and inefficient digestion are main factors for these disorders. Toxins are produced in body due to improperly digested food. These toxins circulate by blood to deep tissues and channels where they causes blockage and stagnation. This causes aggravation of vata dhatu(air)dosha and rakt(blood) dhatu. Aggravated vata bring impaired blood in the channels carrying the Raj (menstrual blood) which end in increased menstrual blood flow.

In Ayurveda we have different types of treatments to treat menstrual.problems.  These include nourishing and toning herbs and rejuvenative treatment according to nature of disease.



Diet is very important,  fast food in diet do not provide neutrients which are required in body.

During menstruation raise foot of the bed in order to keep legs and foot slightly elevated while sleeping

Avoid coffee,  tea icy cold drinks.
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It is yellowish,  whitish or greenish discharge from vagina of female.  Leucorrhea during pregnancy is considered normal. Leucorrhoea is normal condition occurring within several months to years of onset of menses in adolescent girls and also sometimes present in new born girl. It is a sign of infection especially when discharge is free,  yellow and offensive of our. This discharge may occur from vagina ovaries Fallopian tubes or cervix. It may be caused by infection with yeast,  bacteria,  or microorganisms like sexually transmitted diseases these diseases lead to infection of cervix which tends to irritate the mucus which leads to secretion of infectious discharge with pus.


It is called ‘ shwet pradar’ it is caused mainly due to aggravation of Kafa dosha this aggravated kafa impair the rasa dhatu (nutrient plasma) present in vaginal tract which causes  whitish,  greenish yellowish painless discharge with vaginal itching,  irritation.



1 Physiological leucorrhea

2 Inflammatory leucorrhea


IT acts as defence mechanism this whitish discharge helps to maintain the chemical balance.  It also helps to lubricate vaginal area preserve the flexibility of vaginal tissues . It is whitish and sticky due to strong hormonal stimulation.  It is considered normal at onset of puberty female infants and at different and at different stages of pregnancy.


It is due to infection which leads to inflammation of vaginal tissue.  It is thick,  yellow greenish and smelly it occurs due to sexually transmitted microorganism (fungus, candida albicans, protozoan trichomas vagibalis cercitis vulvitis etc


Hormonal imbalances

Improper hygiene



Local injury

Diseases like diabetes , anaemia


Pain in low back pain,  yellowish,  greenish discharge

Irritation and itching in genital area




Piles or Hemorrhoid

It is inflammation and swelling of veins in the anus and rectum. Hemorroids are masses of tissues within the anal canal that contain support provided by the muscles and elastic fibres.

There are two types;

  • Internal
  • External

Internal: – The pile mass lie inside the rectum canal. It causes uneasiness while passing stool and can drain, if stool is hard.

External: – These pile masses lie outside the anus. These masses could be irritable and painful and might regularly drain if bothered.


  • Heredity
  • Pending long period of time (eg. Reading)
  • Chronic constipation or diarrhea.
  • Faulty howl function due to overuse of laxatives.
  • Ageing
  • Pregnancy


  • Rectal tingling, blazing.
  • Swelling around the anus from the aroused veins
  • Bleeding plies throughout a solid discharge.
  • A hard bump or bumps around the excretory of bodily fluid.

Piles According to Ayurveda

In ayurveda, heamorrhoids are called as ” Arsha Shoola” which means ” like needle pricking pain” . it is caused due to disturbance of any of dosha.

Vata:- Types of Hemorrhoids these piles are darken in color almost black and hard. Constipation is present and pain is acute.

Pitta: Type of Hemorrhoids, these piles are soft and reddish. Bleeding present excessive thirst diarrhea, fever are also present.

Kapha: Type of Hemorrhoids, these piles are big, soft and whitish in color. These piles are slimy to touch. The person has digestive problems.


  • Avoid eating food that is hard to digest, eat foods that are light and easy to pass as stool. Eat more fiber, rich fruits and vegetables.
  • Increase physical activity.
  • Eat dried figs, soak dried figs in warm water overnight ant eat them first in the morning.
  • A mixture of juice of lemon, ginger and fresh mint along with honey is effective. It improves digestion.
  • Increase water intake.
  • Papaya, mango seeds, turnip, rice, wheat, radish, ginger, onion and other fiber rich fruits.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of castor and milk will help soften the stool and reduce the pressure on the rectal walls and muscles.
  • Take 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds, roast and blend and 1 teaspoon of unroasted cumin seeds, blend and powder and mix both and tale 1 teaspoon early in the morning with water.
  • Radish juice is also effective.


According to Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, allergies are caused due to imbalance of all three dosha: Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Symptoms According to Doshas

  • Vata Dosha:- Vata skin is cool to touch, dry, dehydration
  • Pitta Dosha:- Pitta skin is less tolerant, ruddy, warm to touch
  • Kapha Dosha: Kapha skin is greasy, thick, more tolerant to skin.

Home Remedies

  • Herbs useful for skin ailments neem, giloy, manjistha, haridra.
  • Ayurvedic supplements: Neem supplements
  • Diet: Take healthy diet, take extra amount of water bitter substance to be taken regularly Avoid hot, spicy, fried food.
  • Lifestyle: Avoid excess sun rays, avoid heavy chemical based creams, have pollution free surrounding, cover your face while going in dusty places.
  • Yoga: Sarvangasana pranayama