Diseases Cured By Panchkarma (Ayurveda)

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis (Joint Pains)
  • Back Pain, Legs Pain
  • Thigh Pain (Sciatica)
  • Cervical Spondylitis, Paralysis
  • HyperTention
  • Frozen Shoulder, Stress, Sleep Disorder
  • Hair Loss, Acne, Wrincles, Blamashes
  • Obesity (Weight Reduction Therapy)
  • Diabetes, Kidney Stones, Skin Deseases
  • Body Stiffness, Typhoid
  • Sports Injuries, Hepatitis B & C
  • Allergies, Ashthma, Infretility, Deability
  • Piles, Urine Infection, Constipation
  • Gynacological Diseases
  • PCOD , Sexual Problem

The word ayurveda has been coined by the conjunction of two Sanskrit words, “ayur” meaning life and “Veda” meaning knowledge. The word together means the knowledge of life. In ayurveda the process of ayur (life) is considered as a combined state of body (sharira), senses (indriya), psyche (mana) and soul (atma). Ayurveda not only consists of natural scientific methodology of medication but also provides the way of life.

During the course of time Ayurveda, became the science of life, which has its root in ancient Vedic literature and encompasses our entire self .

In other words ayurveda helps us to understand the things which should be followed in accordance to prolong one”s life & to promote healthy living as well as it also warns us against the hazardous effects of the different dravyas, their gunas & karmas that may lead to unhealthy living & that may decrease the life span of an individual.

Now we should move towards the aim of ayurveda—


According to charak samhita (an ancient ayurveda text) ayurveda has two main objectives

1st is ‘swasthasya swasthya rakshanam” i.e. to help the healthy person to protect & maintain his swasthya ( wellness).

2nd is “aaturasya vikar prashamanam” i.e. to help a diseased person to become healthy & to stay healthy forever.

Therapeutics is not strictly related to dravya chikitsa i.e. treatment with medicines but also to the form of bhava chikitsa i.e. treatment without medicines and in the form of achar rasayan (good conducts both personal as well as social).

Ayurveda has not restricted itself as the path, which treats diseases but being the science of life has covered all the aspects necessary to maintain health and to restore it when inflicted with a disease.

Charak has specified that ignorance is no excuse and we have to take pains to learn and to follow various rules and regulations to remain healthy.

These rules and regulations are nothing but guidelines to remain fit, refrain from diseases and lead a healthy life. These guidelines have been mentioned under the topic of swasthavrutta.

Despite of all the preventive measures if we suffer from a disease we should be able to known the probable causes of that disease and the probable fallacies on our part in following the rules and regulations put before us in the form of the first objective.

Ignorance will lead to disease and it is here that the second objective of aaturasya vikara prashaman comes into picture.