Mango is rich in vit A,flavonoids like beta carotene,alpha carotene,beta cryptoxanthin,vitamins,minerals,poly phenolic,flavanoid antioxidant compounds.Mango acts as prebiotic dietary fibre.Mango is a rich source of potassium which helps in controlling heart rate and blood pressure.Mango is also a good source of vit B6,vit C,vit E.Vit c present in it provides resistance against infectious agents.Mango peel are rich in phytonutrients.
*Mango contains malic acid,tartaric acid and traces of citric acid which maintains the alkali reserve of the body.
*Mango milk shake helps weight gain.
*Extracts of unripe mango bark,leaves,stem contains antibacteral properties.
*Mango contains insoluble fibre which helps in elimination of waste from the colon and relieves from constipation.
*Flavonoids presents in mango helps in building immunity system of body.
*Dried mango flowers are used for treatment of chronic dysentry,diarrhoea and some problems of urinary bladder.
*Decoction of mango leaves is useful in cough,asthma.It also acts as antiseptic and healing agent.
*The polyphhenoic antioxidant compounds present in mango protect against colon,breast,prostrate cancer and leukemia.


It is the complete loss of muscle function for one or more muscle group. It is most often caused by damage in the nervous system. It causes loss of feeling or loss of mobility in the affected area.

Paralysis According to Ayurveda:

It is caused to ‘Vata Vyadhi’ disorder. It is called as Paksaghata, Paksha Vadha and Ekanga Vata in ayurveda.

Types of Paralysis

  • PARAPLEGIA: It occurs due to injury of spinal cord and occurs in both the legs and disturbed bladder functions.
  • HEMIPLEGIA: It involves one side of body. It affects face and legs. It is caused by disease of the opposite hemisphere of the brain.
  • MONOPLEGIA: It involves one side of body.
  • POLIOMYELITIS: It is caused by infective virus which affects the central Nervous system.

Home Remedies for Paralysis

  • Ashwagandha powder 1tsp 1gm+VataVidhwansana Ras 1gm+chopcheeni churna 1gm +pippli moola 1gm should be taken thrice daily.
  • Rasanadi quath 20 ml daliy twice/day.
  • Vrihat Vat chintamani Ras 25mg, Ashwagandha chuma 1gm. Once a day daily.
  • Rasanjan vati 125mg at night with milk.
  • Panchakarma along with oral medication.
  • Ayurvedic therapies like Abhyanga, swedan, Nasyam, karnapoornam, snehapana, Virechana, shirodhara, pichu, vasti.
  • Diet and life style modifications are necessary.
  • Along with these remedies a strict neuro consultant advice is also to be taken.