AMLA { INDIAN GOOSEBERY}-: It is a rich source of vitamin c { Ascorbic acid} it help in strengthening liver function which increases our body detoxification process and make us healthier by promoting new cell growth and hence increase immunity .
MULETHI { LIQUORICE ROOT } -: It contains anti- microbial agent called glycyrrhizen which inhibits growth of harmful , microbes attacking body defence mechanism .
TULSI { BASIL]-: It is anti -asthmatic and Nanti – infective . Fresh tulsi juice and few drops of ginger and honey daily is a best to increase body efficiency to fight and diseases .
ASHWAGANDHA -: It act as rejuvenator and stimulator for body . 3-6 gm of powdered ashwagandha and glass of wram cow milk is good for health .
-: 2-3 dates
-: 2-4 – strands of saffron
-: 1 table spoon full ( tsf) of shredded coconut
-: 1 tsf of raw honey
-: 1 tsf of cow ghee
-: 5 tsf of blanched almonds .
blend all these indegrents in 300 gm ounces of milk (raw cow, almond milk ,organic milk ) drink it daily .
-: Do regular yoga and live a balanced life style and eat a balance diet for a healthy immune system and a healthier life. For more consult an experienced ayurvedic consultant for more health regarding queries.