Skin Type According To Ayurveda .
In Ayurveda we different skin type according to person parkriti (vata,pitta,kapha,)
Ideal Skin .
A healthy skin should always be glowy and attractive even when devoid of make-up.
Ideal skin features.
Person with healthy skin have lustrous ,soft ,oily ,thin ,smooth skin
Any wound on skin heals quickly.
Mouths ,lips ,palate and tongue are oily.
Hairs are thin , soft , scanty , black and deep rooted.
The skin is free from any skin disease .
Vata Skin.
Vata skin is dry , rough ,easily get dehydrated ,cool to touch , delicate , thin and gets more dry in dry windy weather , age faster .
Pitta Skin.
Pitta skin is Medium , thick , sensitive , soft , warm to touch , fair , less tolerant to heat . Pitta skin often gets moles , freckles , acne sun spot , rashes quickly .
Kapha Skin .
Kapha skin is pale , thick , oily , dull complexion , blackheads , enlarged pores, age slower ,and is more prone to water retention and sunlight .
In ayurveda with herbs, panchkarma and ayurvedic medicine we treat any skin disease like psoriasis , aczema , pimples , blamashes etc.